variegated string of pearls

Growing and Caring for Variegated String of Pearls Plant

Are you looking for a unique and beautiful addition to your plant collection? Look no further than the variegated string of pearls plant! With tiny, pea-shaped leaves growing on trailing stems, this vining succulent is easily recognizable. Follow these care instructions to ensure your variegated string of pearls plant thrives.

Types of Variegated String of Pearls Plant

The variegated string of pearls plant is a type of Curio rowleyanus, a succulent also known as string of pearls, string of beads, string of peas, or rosary vine. Its leaves are similar to the regular string of pearls plant, but with the added beauty of creamy white and green variegation.

Care Tips for the Variegated String of Pearls Plant


The variegated string of pearls plant thrives with a combination of direct and indirect sunlight, totaling between six and eight hours a day. Keep it in direct sunlight during the softer morning hours, and move it to a spot that gets diffused, indirect light or partial shade during the harsher afternoon hours.


Use a fast-draining succulent potting soil for your variegated string of pearls plant, with sandy soil being the best choice. You can use a cactus potting mix or a three-to-one mixture of potting soil to sharp sand. Ensure the soil is well-draining, as these plants are susceptible to root rot. Plant them in a container with ample drainage holes at its base to prevent root rot.


During the growing season in spring and summer, keep the plant’s soil lightly moist. Reduce water during the winter months, and water your plant once every seven to 14 days. If you notice the spherical leaves flattening, it’s a good indicator that the plant needs more water. Water thoroughly, and ensure the soil is dry down to the first one-half inch of soil before watering again.

Temperature and Humidity

The variegated string of pearls plant thrives in warm temperatures, ranging from 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit in spring through fall. It grows best with winter temperatures ranging from 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This plant prefers low humidity, so avoid placing it in any already-humid areas of your home, like a kitchen or bathroom.


Feed your variegated string of pearls plant biweekly during the growing season with a balanced liquid or water-soluble fertilizer, diluted to about half strength. During its dormant winter period, only feed the plant every six weeks.


Trim off any dead stems and pearls of your variegated string of pearls plant using sterilized scissors or pruners. Also, trim any stems that have lost many of their leaves to promote fuller, bushier plants.


The variegated string of pearls plant propagates quickly via stem cuttings. Plant several four to five-inch stems just below a leaf node, removing the last two leaves. Lay out the stems for about one to two days before planting to callous over and get dry. Fill a pot with soil, make a hole where you will plant the stems, and place the cut ends into the hole at least an inch deep. All leaves should be above the soil. Pack the soil around the stems and wait a few days before watering thoroughly.

Common Problems

The variegated string of pearls plant is susceptible to root rot when overwatered. Shriveling leaves can be a sign of underwatering or overwatering. Yellowing or graying leaves are often caused by insect activity, treat the plant with neem oil to avoid pests. Overwatering can also cause mushy stems and leaves turning purple, causing root rot that can kill the plant.

Follow these care tips for a healthy and thriving variegated string of pearls plant. Enjoy the unique beauty of this vining succulent in your home!

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