has saudi announced eid 2023

Saudi Arabia’s Announcement for Eid 2023 and the Celestial Phenomena of the Shawwal Moon


The anticipation surrounding the end of Ramadan and the onset of Eid Al-Fitr in 2023 is heightened by celestial events tied to the Shawwal Moon. This article delves into the intricacies of the Islamic calendar, the significance of the Shawwal Moon, and the impending hybrid total solar eclipse that coincides with these events.

Eid 2023: A Lunar Connection

As the fasting period of Ramadan nears its conclusion in 2023, the Islamic world eagerly awaits the declaration of Eid Al-Fitr. The conclusion of Ramadan is linked to the sighting of the crescent Moon, heralding the beginning of the three-day festive celebration. The exact dates of Eid Al-Fitr in 2023, either April 20 or April 21, are influenced by the sighting of the crescent Moon, leading to the question: what triggers this variation in dates?

The Intricacy of Lunar Phases

The Islamic calendar’s dependence on the Moon’s cycles introduces variability in the timing of significant events. The sighting of the Shawwal Moon marks the commencement of Eid Al-Fitr, indicating the conclusion of Ramadan’s fasting period. However, the unique occurrence in 2023 adds an element of rarity to the lunar events, intertwining them with a captivating celestial spectacle.

The Enigmatic Shawwal Moon

Referred to as the “Shawwal Moon,” this crescent Moon holds immense importance in the Islamic calendar. Positioned in the tenth month, it is a precursor to Eid Al-Fitr festivities. The Shawwal Moon emerges shortly after the astronomical New Moon, with its slender crescent gradually becoming visible as it emerges from the Sun’s glare. This ethereal phase symbolizes the advent of Eid Al-Fitr.

Determining the Arrival of the Shawwal Moon

The anticipated appearance of the Shawwal Moon prompts the question of its timing. The dates, April 20 and April 21, hinge on geographical observances. For instance, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the crescent Moon’s visibility is a mere 0.2%-lit after sunset on Thursday, April 20. Meanwhile, observers on the west coast of the U.S. can expect a 1%-lit crescent, offering a higher likelihood of sighting. Friday, April 21, paints a brighter crescent Moon, both in Mecca and globally, suggesting the commencement of Eid Al-Fitr on this date.

The Dual Splendor: Shawwal Moon and Solar Eclipse

Beyond the conclusion of Ramadan and the emergence of the Shawwal Moon, a celestial rarity graces the skies. The New Moon of April 20 contributes to a unique hybrid total solar eclipse. This phenomenon, observable from specific regions, transitions between a total solar eclipse and an annular eclipse—characterized by a “ring of fire” effect. The curvature of the Earth plays a role in this transformation, offering observers an awe-inspiring sight.

The Fascinating Hybrid Solar Eclipse

The hybrid solar eclipse embodies transitions between annular and total phases, creating an extraordinary spectacle. The eclipse’s path, spanning a mere 25 miles in width, shifts from annular to total and back due to the Earth’s curvature. Although brief, the totality phase showcases the Sun’s corona, casting an otherworldly twilight.


As Saudi Arabia announces Eid 2023, the convergence of lunar and celestial phenomena adds a layer of wonder to the occasion. The Shawwal Moon’s appearance heralds the festivities of Eid Al-Fitr, while the hybrid total solar eclipse captivates with its ethereal transformation. These intertwining events remind us of the harmonious dance between the celestial bodies and their influence on cultural and cosmic experiences.


Embrace the magic of the skies with Jamie Carter, a seasoned science and astronomy journalist, as he guides you through the celestial wonders. Stay connected on Twitter, LinkedIn, and explore his portfolio on his website.