blue my mind plant

Cultivating and Caring for the Blue My Mind Plant


The Blue My Mind plant, scientifically known as Evolvulus glomeratus or Dwarf Morning Glory, is a captivating shrub that produces rare true-blue blooms. Its stunning flowers contrast beautifully against a mat of fuzzy, silvery-green oval-shaped leaves. While it thrives as an annual in cooler regions, it can serve as a sturdy perennial subshrub in warmer climates. From late spring until the first frost, the Blue My Mind plant blooms and attracts bees and butterflies with its nectar-rich flowers. Unlike its climbing relative, the morning glory, this plant grows low to the ground, making it ideal as a ground cover[^1].

Basic Information

  • Common Name: Blue My Mind plant, Dwarf Morning Glory, Brazilian Dwarf Morning Glory
  • Botanical Name: Evolvulus glomeratus
  • Family: Convolvulaceae
  • Plant Type: Perennial, annual
  • Mature Size: 9–24 in. tall, 2–3 ft. wide
  • Sun Exposure: Full
  • Soil Type: Moist, well-drained
  • Soil pH: Acidic, neutral
  • Bloom Time: Summer, fall
  • Flower Color: Blue
  • Hardiness Zones: 8-11 (USDA)
  • Native Area: South America

Blue My Mind Plant Care

Caring for the Blue My Mind plant is relatively simple, as long as it is provided with well-draining soil and receives at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight. This low-maintenance plant is self-cleaning, meaning there’s no need to remove spent blooms. It thrives in the heat of summer and becomes fairly drought-tolerant once established. Here are some essential care tips:

Light Requirements

Plant the Blue My Mind in a location that receives full sun for at least six to eight hours per day. Ample sunlight will ensure continuous flowering throughout the season and help maintain the plant’s compact shape and lush foliage. Insufficient sunlight can result in leggy growth, reduced blooms, and a loss of the plant’s silvery sheen.

Soil Conditions

The Blue My Mind plant thrives in average, loamy, and well-drained soil. Whether planted in a garden bed or container, make sure the soil is moist but not overly saturated. The plant prefers slightly acidic soil but can tolerate neutral pH levels.

Watering Needs

Consistent and even moisture is essential for the Blue My Mind plant. However, it dislikes sitting in waterlogged soil. In well-draining soil, aim to provide about one-half to one inch of water per week through a combination of rainfall and irrigation. Adjust watering frequency based on the soil’s drainage characteristics. Once established, this plant can tolerate drought conditions, making it suitable for neglected garden areas and containers that receive limited water. Overwatering and causing root rot should be avoided.

Temperature and Humidity

The Blue My Mind plant thrives in temperatures above 65 degrees Fahrenheit and is well-suited to the summer heat. It cannot tolerate even mild frost, so it should be protected or moved indoors during colder months. This plant is adaptable to various humidity levels.


Monthly feeding with a general-purpose liquid fertilizer is recommended during the spring and summer months. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer label for application guidelines. In addition, avoid fertilizing the plant during the winter if you live in a warm climate where the Blue My Mind plant acts as a perennial.

Types of Blue My Mind Plant

There are three commonly sold cultivars of Evolvulus glomeratus:

  1. ‘Blue Daze’: This variety grows to about 18 inches tall and up to three feet wide. It showcases exceptionally brilliant blue flowers, approximately half an inch wide, that bloom from late spring into fall.
  2. ‘Blue My Mind’: Known for its slightly larger flowers, this cultivar reaches a height of 12 inches and a width of up to 24 inches. It is an excellent choice for hot conditions and full sun.
  3. ‘Hawaiian Blue Eyes’: With its one-inch blue blooms and silvery-green leaves, this cultivar adds a touch of elegance to any garden.

Pruning Techniques

To encourage bushier growth, pinch back the stems of the Blue My Mind plant when it is young. Towards the end of the growing season, if the stems become scraggly, perform a hard pruning to stimulate new growth and enhance the plant’s appearance. Since the plant is self-cleaning, there is no need to deadhead spent flowers—they will fall off naturally.

Propagating the Blue My Mind Plant

The Blue My Mind plant can be propagated through both seeds and stem cuttings. However, rooting stem cuttings is generally more reliable for producing identical plants. Follow these steps for successful stem cutting propagation:

  1. Using sharp pruners, cut three to five-inch tips from healthy stems. Remove the leaves from the bottom one-third of each cutting, including any flowers or buds.
  2. Dip the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone and plant it in a small container filled with a commercial seed starter mix or a porous mixture of sand, peat moss, or potting mix.
  3. Cover the container with a loosely secured plastic bag and place it in a location with bright indirect light, avoiding direct sunlight.
  4. Keep the potting medium moist until roots develop. You can check for root development by gently tugging on the cutting—the presence of resistance indicates the growth of roots. Once rooted, transplant the cutting into a pot filled with standard potting mix.
  5. Continue growing the cutting indoors throughout the winter or in a sheltered outdoor location if your region doesn’t experience freezing temperatures. In the spring, transplant the actively growing plant into the landscape.

Growing Blue My Mind From Seeds

Blue My Mind plant seeds can be started indoors eight to ten weeks before the average last frost date in your area. Follow these steps for successful seed germination:

  1. Plant the seeds in pots filled with a seed starter mix or a mixture of sand and standard potting mix. Cover the seeds with a quarter-inch layer of potting mix.
  2. Keep the potting mix consistently moist and place the pots in a sunny indoor location with a minimum temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit. If you cover the pots or trays with plastic, remember to uncover them for at least 20 minutes each day to allow fresh air circulation and prevent fungal infections.
  3. Once the seedlings develop several sets of true leaves, carefully transplant them into individual pots filled with standard potting mix. Grow the seedlings in these pots until all danger of frost has passed, and then plant them outdoors.

Potting and Repotting the Blue My Mind Plant

The Blue My Mind plant can thrive in any well-drained pot filled with lightweight and well-draining potting mix. While pots can be made of various materials, lightweight plastic pots are recommended, especially for hanging baskets.

Repotting should be done when the plant becomes root-bound. However, keep in mind that the Blue My Mind plant is not suitable for long-term container growth as its stems tend to become woody and produce sparse flowers. It is generally considered a short-lived perennial and is often replaced after a couple of years. Before discarding the plant, you can take stem cuttings to propagate new plants and continue enjoying the beauty of the Blue My Mind variety.

Overwintering the Blue My Mind Plant

When grown as an annual, it is recommended to remove and discard Blue My Mind plants at the end of the growing season to prevent excessive self-seeding. In colder climates, potted plants can be brought indoors for overwintering as houseplants. Placing them in a sunny window and providing regular watering can help them continue blooming throughout the winter.

In warm climates where the Blue My Mind plant can survive outdoors year-round, it is advisable to cut back the stems and reduce watering during the winter months. Although the plant can endure mild frost, it is not tolerant of freezing temperatures. As the stems age, the frequency of flowering may diminish. Gardeners growing the Blue My Mind plant as a perennial often replace it every three to four years to maintain optimal blooming.

Promoting Blooms in the Blue My Mind Plant

The Blue My Mind plant begins blooming in late spring and continues until late fall or winter, depending on the climate. The small flowers have a short lifespan of just one day but are quickly replaced by new blossoms.

To encourage prolific blooms, provide the following conditions:

  • Sunlight: Blue My Mind plants require lots of sun to thrive and produce abundant flowers. Ensure they receive at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight daily. Ample sunlight also helps maintain the plant’s compact shape and lush foliage. Insufficient sun exposure can result in leggy growth, reduced blooms, and a loss of the characteristic silvery sheen on the leaves.
  • Watering: Consistent and even moisture is essential for the Blue My Mind plant, but it should not be allowed to sit in waterlogged soil. In well-draining soil, providing around half to one inch of water per week through rainfall and/or irrigation will promote healthy growth. However, be cautious not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot and damage the plant. Once the plant is established, it exhibits good tolerance for drought conditions, making it suitable for areas with less frequent watering.
  • Temperature and Humidity: Blue My Mind plants prefer temperatures above 65 degrees Fahrenheit and thrive in the heat of summer. They are not frost-tolerant and should be protected from freezing temperatures. Humidity levels do not significantly impact their growth.
  • Fertilization: Feed the Blue My Mind plant with a general-purpose liquid fertilizer once a month during spring and summer. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer label for proper application. However, avoid fertilizing the plant during the winter months, especially in warm climates where it acts as a perennial.

Common Problems with the Blue My Mind Plant

The Blue My Mind plant generally encounters few significant issues. However, problems can arise when it is planted in dense, poorly draining soil or receives excessive water. In such conditions, the plant may struggle and potentially suffer from root rot. To prevent these problems, ensure the soil is well-draining and avoid overwatering.

Overall, the Blue My Mind plant is a charming addition to any garden, with its rare true-blue blooms and attractive silvery-green leaves. By providing the right care, sunlight, and water, you can enjoy the beauty of this low-maintenance plant throughout the growing season.